Bicyclists circling White Bear Lake clockwise on the Lake Links Trail sometimes ask us about the trail segment through Dellwood. The formal trail alignment is being decided by Dellwood’s city council and city engineer with help from engineering firm WSB. Until Dellwood’s administration decides where to put the trail, we have two suggestions for navigating the 1.5 miles through Dellwood.
Starting on Hwy. 96 on the north side of White Bear Lake, turn south onto Hwy. 244 into Dellwood. In slightly more than one-half mile you'll pass the White Bear Yacht Club. Six football fields later, veer slightly right onto Peninsula Rd., where you'll pass beautiful homes, and get a scenic view of White Bear Lake. Peninsula Rd. wraps around a section of marsh and rejoins Hwy 244.
From this point, you have two options to leave Dellwood and get onto the paved pathways and quiet streets of Mahtomedi.
Option #1:
Cross Hwy. 244 and go slightly south to Echo St. to the open graveled space on the southeast side of the intersection. At the back of this area you will see an opening into a wood area and unpaved path. Continue on this path for 474 feet to Mahtomedi’s paved shared-use path, Wolgamot Way. Follow brown Lake Links Trail signs like the one below through Mahtomedi and Birchwood to the South Shore Boulevard segment.

Option #2:
From the intersection of Hwy 244 and Peninsula, head south on Hwy. 244 toward Mahtomedi. In just over 800 feet, check for traffic and when safe to do so move out into the lane, signal, and turn left at Dwinnell. You will barely get onto Dwinnell and you will see the Wolgamot Way and Lake Links Trail signs on your right.
Whether you choose to take the unpaved path or stay on the pavement to Dwinnell Ave., you will enter the Mahtomedi trail system at the same place. Be sure to stop at Street Car Park just up the road from the Dellwood / Mahtomedi line. Local volunteers are transforming the park and the area around the covered bridge over Depot Creek into a delightful focal point along the trail and in the community of Mahtomedi.